The process of buying a car has become a bit arduous. With the frenetic pace of daily life, there’s not a ton of time made available to peruse throughout a car dealership for the perfect vehicle. Aside from actually spending time walking around the lot, there’s then the act of haggling on price with shrewd dealership employees. This activity can take hours. In terms of selling a vehicle, this process can also be lengthy — whether it involves going into a dealership for the transaction — or meeting up with what could turn out to be a shady individual.
As a means to alleviate any and all inconveniences, online sites have been created strictly for the purchasing and selling of used cars. Four companies in particular — TrueCar, eBay Motors, Cars.com, Autotrader — do a spectacular job of working hand-in-hand with customers to make the act of selling/buying a car absolutely seamless.
TrueCar has a very easy to use interface. A comprehensive list of vehicle brands (along with their corresponding symbols) are neatly displayed towards the bottom half of the page. From there, each available model is shown from underneath the umbrella of a major brand (such as Jeep or Kia). Additionally, the site provides recent transactions for all vehicles. This is a major boon for a potential customer being tasked with offering a price for a vehicle of interest. TrueCar also houses eager representative to help in offering more info on the selected car.
Cars.com breaks down each available model by brand. However, it slightly differs from TrueCar in the sense that it also offers groupings of vehicles based upon their type. Categorical breakdowns include Sedans, Hybrids, Convertibles, Sports Cars, Pickup Trucks, Coupes, and Luxury vehicles, among others. One can sift through used cars and sort them by age.
eBay Motors, Auto Parts and Vehicles
Normally known for smaller items, eBay Motors compiles profiles for each car available for purchase on its site. As is the case with other items, car listings include the entire scope of bids placed on the vehicle. From there, a timer will show how many hours/days/minutes are left on this auction of sorts. Normally, each vehicle will be detailed with lengthy paragraphs stating the attributes of the item in question. Pictures of the vehicle — as well as a shipping breakdown — will also be included.
Autotrader is a comprehensive site featuring thousands of vehicles from private and public sellers. At the top of the page, prospective customers can search for the make of their choice, and then personalize it with model type and zip code. For those interested in selling a vehicle, one can create an ad rather easily. From there, a ‘Value My Car’ button enables potential sellers to get the value of the car in question. There’s also valuable information detailing how one can trade their vehicle for another.
As one can see, there are plenty of valuable and quality websites online geared solely towards making the experience of buying/selling cars a pleasant one.
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Image Source: Smarterware